Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dia yakin, dia percaya, kita kena usaha.

"Macam mana exam physio tadi? Boleh jawab tak? I know you can. I have faith in you".

Oh! Thank you so much Ya Allah for giving me him. For giving me such a nice person like him.

Just to remind me, if other person, the person who I love, really have a faith in me, it shows that I need to have a strong faith in my own self, untuk tak nak kecewakan kepercayaan yang dia bagi. So Izzani, in any circumstances that you face, remember, he is always have a faith in you and you need to usaha for him.

"Kepercayaan dan keyakinan adalah elemen penting yang akhirnya akan melahirkan rasa komitmen dalam setiap orang terhadap sesuatu perkara." 

Alhamdulillah. Semangat kembali.



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